
HomeSupplementationCannibal Ferox Pre Workout Review - Chaos & Pain's Potent Powder!

Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout Review – Chaos & Pain’s Potent Powder!

Cannibal Ferox - The Best Pre Workout Supplement?!

Yep, unlike others bloggers I actually use the products I review!
Yep, unlike others bloggers I actually use the products I review!

While scouring the internet for a new pre-workout several months ago I discovered Cannibal Ferox, a potent pre-workout supplement created by Chaos and Pain.
Having read their blog several times before I thought hell, why not give Cannibal Ferox a try? After scrolling through the ingredients list and dosages contained within Cannibal Ferox (yep, this is one of few supplements that is completely transparent and doesn't hide underdosed ingredients behind a 'proprietary matrix' or blend). I knew a scoop of this potent powder would result in some great workouts.
Enter my Cannibal Ferox pre workout review.

Is Cannibal Ferox Just Another Dodgy Supplement?


And you'll see why when we delve into the ingredients and dosages in as moment.

This is a legitimate pre-workout supplement that has nothing to hide, the dodgy pre-workout supplements are those that hide their contents behind a proprietary blend or matrix while spending large sums of cash to have the likes of Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler promote the product, attempting to convince potential buyers that they can build endless amounts of muscle too if they begin each workout with a scoop of their supplement.

Chances are you haven't heard of Cannibal Ferox or Chaos and Pain before, as they've got a loyal customer base that keeps coming back so you won't find their advertising littered everywhere.

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So What's In It?

Let me start by saying this pre-workout supplement is STRONG.
Do not go ahead and start with 1 scoop as you would with the majority of other pre-workout supplements, as you'll likely still be getting DOUBLE the amount of caffeine you're used to receiving in a pre-workout supplement.

Let's break down the main ingredients from the label above...

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine has been the subject of many scientific studies and has been proven time and time again to increase focus and blunt our response to pain, meaning fatigue will not set in as early during your workout.
Pre-workout supplements, energy drinks, coffee and pills to help you stay awake are all based around this baby, caffeine.

Citruline Malate

Studies suggest that citruline malate has been shown to support increase performance, blood flow and amino acid delivery during your workouts therefore leading to increased protein synthesis (leading to greater lean mass gains).
I have personally found a noticeable increase in endurance when I use use citruline malate, not to mention a crazy pump.

Beta Alanine

If you’ve ever taken a pre-workout before you would be well and truly familiar with the ‘tingles’ you get shortly thereafter. These tingles are courtesy of the amino acid, beta alanine.
Beta alanine has proven in numerous studies to support increased endurance during an athlete’s workout.
I personally love the tingling feeling it provides, however this isn’t for everyone.

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An extract of citrus aurantium, also known as bitter orange. It is a stronger lipolytic agent than synephreine, and other extracts of citrus aurantium. Essentially, it is the best fat burning and stimulant part of bitter orange.

My Cannibal Ferox Pre Workout Review (My Experience Using It)

I vividly remember the first time I took my Cannibal Ferox pre workout, it was 15~ minutes before my Saturday morning chest & back superset workout.
I took half a scoop, not expecting much... it didn't take long until the 225mg of caffeine, 2000mg of citriline malate, 1600mg of beta alanine and 17mg of isopropylnorsynephrine hit me.

I ended up adding another couple of supersets to the end of my workout as I breezed through the prescribed sets and reps I normally perform.
My focus was extremely high and the weights didn't feel particularly heavy - a 60 minute workout had quickly turned into 90 minutes as I continued to smash my chest and back with superset after superset until the pump was absurd and my strength finally started to drop off.

I've since used a full scoop of Cannibal Ferox (after using half a scoop multiple times to assess my tolerance) and have found those workouts to be an amplified version of that I described above.

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It's worth noting I do not use this pre workout supplement for every single workout - I'll occasionally use it for a week straight and other times I'll use it for a workout here and there when I find I need the extra boost, as this is not the type of supplement you want to become reliant on.

On A Budget? Learn How To Make A Cheap Prison Style Pre-Workout Supplement At Home!

Hyphy Mud is a homemade pre workout supplement I’ve heard many gym-goers raging on about both online and at the gym for years now. ‘Kali Muscle’ an actor and bodybuilder on YouTube created this prison style pre workout supplement called Hyphy Mud (short for hyperactive – makes u dangerous).

Chances are you’ve got the ingredients in your house right now to make Hyphy Mud for your pre workout drink.

Hyphy Mud Ingredients

  • 1 cup (don’t use your shaker for this)
  • 1 mixing spoon
  • 1 - 2 heaped teaspoons of instant coffee
  • 200mls of dark soda (Pepsi or Coca Cola will do the trick)

How To Make Hyphy Mud

  • Place 1 or 2 heaped teaspoons of instant coffee of your choice in the bottom of your cup or glass (amount of coffee dependent on your level of stimulant tolerance).
  • Top up your glass or cup with dark soda, I find 200ml to be the sweet spot.
  • Stir your instant coffee and dark soda together.
  • Drink as quickly as possible, chances are you’re not going to enjoy the taste!
  • Continue your pre-workout ritual.
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What's Your Go-To Pre Workout Supplement? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

Scott J.
Scott J.
I’m SJ. I’m a fitness enthusiast and published author. I transformed my body from a skinny fat 135lbs with 18% body fat to a solid 192lbs at 8% body fat. I became qualified in a field I was passionate about. I founded several online businesses that allow me to pursue ideas and projects in my life that I am passionate about without having to constantly worry about money. I published several eBooks explaining the training and dieting techniques I used to achieve the body I have today. I learnt a plethora of new information on dieting and fitness by reading and applying what I read, to find out what does work and what doesn’t work, because as I’m sure you’ve noticed the health and fitness industry is full of non-sense claims and BS. I found out what was true and what worked for me and applied that knowledge. And you bet I had fun during the whole process.

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